T.E.A.C.H. Early

Indiana AEYC has been awarding T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships since 1998.


In 1998, Child Care Services Association created the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H.) Early Childhood® Scholarship Program to address the issues of under-education, poor compensation and high turnover within the early childhood workforce. The first T.E.A.C.H. Program was launched in North Carolina and has since spread to more than twenty states. In 1998, Indiana awarded our first program scholarship.

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Indiana, is a unique scholarship program that links education, compensation, and commitment to improve the quality of early care and educational experiences for young children and their families.

Any assistant teacher, teacher, Early Head Start home visitor, center director or family childcare home owner meeting the following criteria may apply:

  • Lives and works in Indiana
  • Is employed at least 30 hours per week in a licensed, registered or certified early childhood center, family childcare home or registered ministry within Indiana (for Full Time Scholarship)
  • Is employed at least 20 hours but no more than 29 hours per week in a licensed, registered or certified early childhood center, family childcare home or registered ministry within Indiana (for Part Time Scholarship)
  • Earns $25 or less per hour (waived for graduate level scholarships)
  • Is a high school graduate or has obtained a GED
  • Committed to the field of early childhood education

Career and Technical Education/Vocational High School students meeting the following criteria may apply for the CDA Assessment Scholarship:

  • A senior who is currently taking dual credit towards an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
  • Seeking to obtain a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA)
  • Agrees to work for at least six months in a licensed, registered or certified early childhood center, family childcare home or registered ministry within Indiana program upon graduation; OR
  • Agrees to enroll in a 2- or 4-year Early Childhood degree upon graduation.
View the T.E.A.C.H. Brochure

Children are the main beneficiaries. They are able to bond with an early care and education professional who has made a commitment to the profession, who is a specialist in early childhood education, who understands child development, and who is sensitive to the needs of young children.


Participants benefit by attainment of credentials, certificates, and degrees which increase their knowledge and lead to higher compensation.


Early care and education programs benefit by retaining early childhood professionals trained in child development, reducing turnover, and enhancing the program’s quality.

  • Family Child Care Home Owner(s)
  • Center Director(s)
  • Teacher(s)
  • Assistant Teacher(s)
  • Home Visitor(s)
  • Family Child Care Home Employee(s)

Click here for the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Indiana Scholarship Application.

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