NECPA Applications
If you are unhappy with the decision following your verification visit, follow this link to the Appealing Accreditation Decision Procedures document.
NECPA Annual Renewal Reports
If you need more information regarding the submission of the NECPA Annual Renewal Reports, follow this link to the Procedure for the Submission of Annual Renewal Reports.
NECPA Accreditation Extension Request
Miss a deadline and you need an extension? Follow this link to the NECPA Accreditation Extension procedures.
Change of Location
NECPA Accredited programs that undergo a change of location must alert the NECPA office to receive a 6 month change of location extension. The 6-month extension begins on the date of program change in location. Follow this link to the Change of Location form that you MUST submit to NECPA. There are fees associated with maintaining accreditation after a location change for which the Indiana Accreditation project will not assume responsibility. Click here to review Change of Program Location Fees.
Change in Ownership
NECPA Accredited programs that undergo a change of ownership must alert the NECPA office to receive a 6 month change of ownership extension. The 6-month extension begins on the date of program ownership change. Please complete the Change of Ownership form and send to NECPA.
NECPA Self-Report
The purpose NECPA self-report policy is to communicate to the NECPA Commission any licensing violations and/or major changes which may affect the Accreditation status of a program or its ability to comply with NECPA standards. An accredited program retains a duty to declare certain information within designated timeframes and prior to annual reporting. Failure to submit timely and accurate notification on the NECPA Program Self Report Form may result in immediate revocation of accreditation status. The timeline for processing Self-Reports is as follows:
- Programs shall report any notice of suspension, probation, provisional, or revocation in licensing status, or a change in license number within 72 hours of its occurrence.
- Programs shall report any of the following within 30 days of occurrence: Change in Program Contact Information; Change in Director and/or Administrator; Change in Program Name; Modification and/or Expansion of Current Building(s) or Grounds; Significant Damage to the Building or Outdoor Areas; Addition or Reduction of an Age Group; Change in Hours of Operation; Legal Action and/or Criminal Activity; or Non-Compliance with NECPA Standard(s).