An INAEYC membership provides you with the latest research, informative resources, networking, and educational opportunities to help you lay the foundation for your students’ school readiness, academic success, and adult achievement.
Membership Scholarship
Membership in the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children (Indiana AEYC) includes:
NAEYC – National Level
Publications (Standard Members only), Young Children or Teaching Young Children journals, insurance options, resource catalog, advocacy efforts, professional development resources and opportunities, and internet resources
Indiana AEYC – State Level
State E-Newsletter, State Conference discounts, Public Policy Agenda and Alerts, Program Recognition, Accreditation, Scholarships, Early Childhood Awards, Month of the Young Child information, networking, leadership, and volunteer opportunities
Indiana AEYC Local Chapter – Local Level
Newsletters, Awards and Grants, Local Chapter Conference Discounts, Professional Development Opportunities, Resources and Networking
Scholarship Requirements
Complete this application and submit it to the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children or the local INDIANA AEYC chapter in your area.
Scholarships are awarded based on interest/commitment to joining INDIANA AEYC and a local chapter, demographic information, and membership status.