Promoting and supporting high-quality early learning
for each and every child, birth through age eight, in Indiana
at the local, state and national levels.

Central Region
President: Stephanie Ries board@inaeyc.org
Past President: Diana Gardenhire
Vice President: Trisha Thompson
Secretary: Kelly Dawn Jones
Treasurer: Emily Jarboe
East Central Region
President: Danielle Svantner board@inaeyc.org
Vice President: Missy Modesitt
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Evansville Region
President/President-Elect:Christy Gretencord board@inaeyc.org
Vice President: Elizabeth Crockett
Secretary: Deiona Clayton
Treasurer: Heather Coudret
North Central Region
President: Jessica Pierce board@inaeyc.org
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Sherry Coffing
Treasurer: Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin
North Eastern Region
President: Cynthia Kumfer board@inaeyc.org
Past President: Sarina Arens
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Teresa Hogg
Treasurer: Brad Hand
North Western Region
President: Martha Rae board@inaeyc.org
Past President: Patricia Kelly
Vice President: Shannon Spratley
Secretary: Shannon Wood
Treasurer: Patricia Joyner
Northern Region
President: Erin Hann board@inaeyc.org
Vice President: Denyse Manges
Secretary: Aleyna Mitchell
Treasurer: Peggy Delanghe
South Central Region
President/President-Elect: Stacy Jones board@inaeyc.org
Vice President: Jenny Dittfach
Secretary: Jenny Gleason
Treasurer: Marcella Ettinger
South Eastern Region
President: Della Miller Micco board@inaeyc.org
Past President: Dawn Justice
Vice President: Jolena Moye
Secretary: Collette Bronkella
Treasurer: Karla Lorey
West Central Region
All positions vacant